Reforest'Action: Serving the planet

FL Watch Official ®| Wooden Watch | Reforest'Action
      Posted: December 15, 2020
Catégories: Tips and tricks

As you already know, FL Watch wants to respect the environment. It is very important for us to follow an eco-responsible approach and to share this approach with our customers. For this we have decided to work in close collaboration with Reforest'Action. A company with actions and approaches more noble than the others.

FL Watch and our procedures

  • 1 watch bought = 1 tree planted

Fl Watch is always seen and has always made sure to be seen as being eco-responsible in order to be able to transmit to our customers this message which is important to us: "Save our planet".

For this we have decided to implement various actions to allow us to reduce our impact and our ecological footprint as much as possible.

Among these, our campaign "1 watch bought = 1 tree planted". Aware of our impact on nature, we have decided to join the actions of Reforest'Action and in particular to the reforestation of our forests.

On each of our watches purchased on our site, we donate € 2.50 to Reforest'Action. 2.50 € equivalent to a planted tree. A small gesture, of great magnitude.

FL Watch Official ® | Wooden Watch | Reforest'Action

  • Direct from manufacturer to consumer

In order to reduce as much as possible the different journeys for a product, we put everything in place to ensure that your product goes directly to you when it leaves the factory. We manufacture, package and ship everything from one place. One product, one journey.

In this way, we are trying to significantly reduce our carbon footprint.

To allow us to operate this way, we have decided to work on demand, that is to say without initial stock. This operation allows us not to store our products in various places and thus reduce the number of trips.

This approach at any time a price to pay, our delivery times are in fact longer because the product is produced on demand. Despite everything, we prefer to act in this way and respect our environmental approach.

We are sure you understand it too!

FL Watch Official ® | Wooden Watch | Reforest'Action

Who is Reforest'Action ?

Reforest'Action is a French BCorp certified company founded in 2010. Ingenious inventor of the concept called "crowdplanting", a concept based on participatory planting in order to act together in favor of the protection and preservation of forests.

It has enabled more than 2,000 companies and more than 200,000 individuals to plant more than 9 million trees across 25 countries.

They have thus been able to generate no less than 36 million months of oxygen throughout the world.

FL Watch Official ® | Wooden Watch | Reforest'Action


Come and discover our collections of wooden watches:

Men's collection
Collection for Women